Home > It’s been a minute / refocusing

It’s been a minute / refocusing

September 16th, 2023 at 03:54 am

I realized this month, I haven't been using my budget. Money in, money out, autopay, etc. 

There's a reason. In April, I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. And all things came to a halt. Thank gosh for auto pay. 

I cashrolled all my medical bills since March, so even had to pay cash for 2 CT scans because my I insurance denied them. 10k so far. 

I have two chemos left, then surgery and radiation. Some of the radiation may spill into 2024... so it will cost me $50 a day for a few weeks. 

Good news: My latest mammo and ultrasound show no evidence of disease! The chemo worked!! 

So, I rebuilt my budget for Q4. Student loans start up next month. My bill went fom $614 to $976. Frown No idea why. So, I won't be able to pay as much extra to the mortgage now. But I'll figure it all out. Just glad to be refocused! And so thankfully I had that extra savings account I had been socking money into. I would have hated to put cancer treatment on a credit card!

4 Responses to “It’s been a minute / refocusing”

  1. mumof2 Says:

    So sorry you have to go through this...hubby has had 2 bouts of cancer so know how hard it can be...lucky for us we don't have to pay in our glad the chemo worked...nothing like a reset to get back on track...good luck...I have just redone my budget as life got in the got this

  2. paientsaver Says:

    I'm so sorry to hear of your breast cancer but awesome it has responded to the chemo. I think that calls for some sort of celebration!

    The reason why yur student loan repayments suddenly shot up is because the pause on federal student loan repayments, which was suspended for 3 years during the worst of covid, will restart beginning with your Oct 1 repayment.Alas, all good things must end.

  3. VS_ozgirl Says:

    So sorry you have had to go through this but very happy to hear that the cancer is already gone, wishing you a very speedy recovery from it all. On another note, great work on going through something super hard and not being able to concentrate on budgeting, and being able to quickly pick up where you left off when you were well enough to look at it all - it is proof that you were very well organised. Wishing you all the best with it all.

  4. CB in the City Says:

    I'm so sorry for the ordeal you went through. How wonderful, though, that the chemo worked. You must be feeling very relieved. Expensive, I know, but thank goodness we have these treatments!

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