Husband was paid today, and I moved $500 to our joint CMA for down the road investment purposes. I also paid $140 principle only to my mortgage. I contemplated putting that money in our Snowball account, but figured it was more fun to pay each week. There are some months it will be the whole $1500 out of one check, this month, I had to split the $1500 across 4 checks, so last week, I paid $100, today $140 and then I will pay the remaining out of the last two checks of Sept. I think this helps me interest wise, too.
I had $200 earmarked for extra payment to my student loan, which is still in limbo. So, it's in my Snowball account. And finally, I have $400 for groceries this week.
I think we are planning to do some DIY house projects this weekend, so I expect some Home Depot spending. Nothing crazy, just adding paneling/board and batten on a few walls. Probably less than $200 total for this weekend.
Our meal planning is not happening, so I need to get serious. It’s been a crazy month, and we are trying to get past the baby shower - and hopefully things will calm down a bit. But then right around the corner is grand baby #2, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. So, maybe a slow, quiet inexpensive September, please? Haha. One can wish.
August 13th, 2022 at 04:53 am 1660362821
August 13th, 2022 at 06:26 am 1660368393
August 13th, 2022 at 06:16 pm 1660410997
Sunday barbecue
Monday Soup and sandwich/Salad
Tuesday Tacos/Mexican
Wednesday ‘Prince Spaghetti Day/Italian
Thursday Breakfast for dinner
Friday Pizza/calzone
Saturday Leftovers/clean out fridge or takeout/go out depending on budget
Or, if your family members are old enough to make simple meals, assign everyone a day to plan, prepare, cleanup. No plan? PBJ it is…
Or, ask everyone for their 2-4 favorite meals. Write on cards. Pick 7, plan shopping. Match to day of the week based on activities planned.
August 14th, 2022 at 07:46 pm 1660502798