Don't send off checks to pay off your debt (by way of snowballs or refi) on a FRIDAY evening, before a Federal Holiday on the following Monday. You will DIE of anticipation. I swear it. 🤪
I mentioned in my last post that several of the payments stayed local here in the Phoenix area. I've been refreshing my apps all day. AND ONE FINALLY HIT! Yay to Capital One!!! I closed the card over the weekend, I will have to make a $20 payment online, but by the end of that day, that one is a GONER!
June 22nd, 2022 at 02:52 am 1655862753
June 22nd, 2022 at 09:34 pm 1655930097
Mumof2, we don't use checks often, most people use debit or credit cards, but with a payoff like this, they don't just hand the money over for you to pay it off yourself. They write checks to make sure the money goes where it is supposed to go and the creditor knows it is a check that won't bounce since it is from the refinance company. I only use checks for 2 bills that charge if you use debit or credit cards online and won't do auto payments. There is no fee for checks.
June 24th, 2022 at 08:04 pm 1656097497